“Grand Prix Victoria Silber” – Wien, 2014 (http://www.wirtschaftsfilmtage.com/pages/preise_2014.php#kat_D)
“Deutscher Wirtschaftsfilmpreis” – Berlin, 2012 (http://www.bmwi.de/DE/Presse/pressemitteilungen,did=511306.html)
“Master of Excellence” – Stuttgart, 2012
Stadtwerke Bonn commissioned an image film to mark the 20th anniversary of the waste-to-energy plant. The objective of the image film is to bring the enormous benefits of the outwardly rather sober plant closer to the citizens of Bonn. Through animations, the process of waste recycling, starting from the garbage can to the generation of electricity, is packaged in a visually appealing way. In an entertaining and catchy way, the viewer is given a look behind the scenes in this image film. In the process, they discover the astonishing achievements that lie behind the waste recycling plant. An image film that is convincing precisely because it does not need a lot of words, but leaves a lasting and positive impression, especially on the citizens of Bonn, with its sympathy and catchiness.