Respect for human rights and environmental standards is important to us.
We sensitise our employees to issues relating to human rights and environmental standards and encourage them to treat each other with respect and trust.
We act with integrity and are firmly convinced that consistent adherence to our guiding principles will help us move forward and fulfil our corporate duty of care.
We will continue to work on putting our principles into practice.
We are committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights, in particular the most important human rights risks. These include in particular:
1. compliance with all laws and regulations of labour law
Applicants for a job will not suffer any discrimination, neither in the course of the selection process nor after the conclusion of an employment contract in the performance of their work.
2. compliance with the German Youth Labour Protection Act (JArbSchG)
We comply with all provisions of the German Youth Labour Protection Act (JArbSchG). This also applies to the unconditional compliance with special regulations, in particular those regulated in §6 JArbSchG, as well as the necessary official authorisations, when children and young people are used as actors in films.
3. fair working conditions and equal opportunities
We value our employees and treat them correctly and with respect. We ensure that no kind of discrimination against others is permitted, regardless of age, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.
4. environmental aspects
We are committed to gradually reducing our ecological fingerprint and include ecological criteria in the selection of products and services. We involve our employees and suppliers in our commitment to sustainability so that they understand their part in the fulfilment of our goals. We are also involved in local environmental projects.